Buffalo Naval Park passes on USS Little Rock CLG-4 history to USS Little Rock LCS-9
This afternoon, The Buffalo & Erie County Naval & Military Park presented the crew of the newly commissioned USS Little Rock LCS-9 with three silver place settings that were originally housed and used on the USS Little Rock CLG-4. These place
settings will be the only part of the decommissioned USS Little Rock CLG-4 that will be on the newest LCS-9. The three settings are to be displayed in the Ward Room, the Chief’s Mess and a display case for the general crew.

From left to right, Buffalo Naval Park Executive Director Captain Brian Roche; WWII Veteran John “Doc” Long; Cdr. Todd Peters of the USS Little Rock LCS-9; Naval Park Board Chairman Don Alessi
The original silver place settings that were given to the USS Little Rock CLG-4 and now are being passed down to the USS Little Rock LCS-9.
From left to right, Chairman of the Commissioning Committee Moe Naylon; Cdr. Todd Peters of the USS Little Rock LCS-9; , Buffalo Naval Park Executive Director Captain Brian Roche with an official letter from the Naval Park stating the history of the silver settings.