Encampment Info

Spend the night aboard Buffalo Naval Park’s USS Little Rock! Our overnight youth encampment is a unique adventure for scouts, youth groups, friends, and families.

During your overnight encampment, you will:

– Sleep in restored berthing compartments where the real Little Rock crew lived
– Enjoy dinner and breakfast in the crew’s Mess Deck
– Tour the USS Little Rock, USS The Sullivans, and USS Croaker
– Participate in educational programs and activities to learn about life onboard ship
(educational programs may vary)

The spring encampment session runs on Saturdays from April through June. The fall session runs on Saturdays from September through November. Select “Family Fridays” may be available throughout the season. Session availability may be determined by the weather.

Cost: $75 per person
Arrival: 4:00 PM Saturday
Departure: 10:00 AM Sunday (your overnight stay grants you in-out privileges to the Naval Park during business hours on Sunday)

Click here to schedule an overnight encampment.
Questions? Visit our FAQs page or email education@buffalonavalpark.org.

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