Planned Giving

Help support the future of the Buffalo Naval Park by making a planned donation.

There are many ways to support the Buffalo Naval Park with a gift from your estate. The simplest ways are to include the Buffalo Naval Park in your will or as a beneficiary of your retirement account.

The Col. Patrick J. Cunningham Legacy Society was created to honor Col. Patrick J. Cunningham, who dedicated much of his civilian life to building the Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park until his passing in 2018. When you make a Planned Gift to the Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park, you join Col. Cunningham and his family in ensuring the Park will continue its mission for generations to come.

Making a Planned Gift to the Park is a powerful way to preserve your legacy or the legacy of a loved one who served in the military. It also honors the brave men and women that served our country in defense of freedom. We invite you to join the Col. Patrick J. Cunningham Legacy Society. Your pledge of support today will honor those of yesterday and ensure the legacy for the generations of tomorrow.

Donor Designation
With Major Gifts and Planned Gifts, you can designate how your gift is used by The Buffalo Naval Park. The Park has established a number of funds that provide options for you to direct your support of the Park based on your preferences.

USS The Sullivans Fund: Support, maintenance and restoration of the Fletcher-class destroyer

USS Little Rock Fund: Support, maintenance and restoration of the Cleveland-class cruiser

USS Croaker Fund: Support, maintenance and restoration of the Gato-class submarine

PTF-17 Fund: Support, maintenance and restoration of the Nasty Class Fast Patrol Boat

Gardens & Monuments Fund: Support, maintenance and installation of gardens and memorials

Unrestricted Fund: Support the Naval Park where it is needed most

Donor Recognition

If you have included the Buffalo Naval Park in your estate plans, we would like to know so we can celebrate your generosity! When you have informed us of your plans to support the Naval Park you will receive:

• Recognition on the Wall of Honor
• Name recognition in publications and communications with your approval
• Invitation to special events for donors and family members
• Lifetime Membership to the Park

Please contact the Buffalo Naval Park to receive our tax id number and preferred language to ensure that your gift is directed to support the cause you care about the most. We are also happy to talk with you about other ways that you can support the Naval Park that may have additional tax benefits for you and your family. We encourage you to speak with your financial advisor or attorney about the planned gift that will work best for your circumstance.

For more information, contact Paul Marzello at 716.847.1773 ext. 14 or email

Help us preserve history. Donate today!